Wednesday 15 September 2010

Dog Days Are Over by kickstarts

Do you ever browse fanfiction trying to find just one to capture your attention and keep it until the end of the first chapter?! I'm constantly striving for stories that make me feel that way about them, that ignite me with a passion that tells me 'I want to share this fic with the world'.

‘Dog Days Are Over’ is one of those stories.

A/U, Naomily. Emily Fitch has a secret and Naomi wants nothing more than to figure it out.
Rated: T
Genres: Drama/Romance
Published: 13th September 2010
Characters: Naomi C. & Emily F.

The concept is rather intriguing; set in an alternate universe where Naomi and Cook don't know Emily, well not entirely anyway. The story is still in its early stages, with just one chapter and a handful of reviews under his/her belt. Kickstarts (previously known as obsessivethoughts) grasps the attention of the reader quickly with not only an intense plot but also a familiar mention of Naomi's beloved Garibaldi's.

As a non-Brit (bet you couldn’t tell she was American from her good grasp of English words!) kickstarts has a good understanding of the Skins world (and Britain) and is happy to change anything within her story that isn’t quite British enough.

If you're able to read just one chapter of a story today (without the distraction of more tempting you away from life), ‘Dog Days Are Over’ is worth being that one.

When you’ve finished ‘Dog Days Are Over’ show your appreciation, tell kickstart what you think of her fic and if you read any other stories, review them too. *


If you've read any stories you think deserve a mention in this blog, email me at and if you enjoy this page, don't forget to spread the word and let others know where they can find out which fics are worth just one more chapter.

NB: I now have a very lovely assistant who is willing to read and review Effily/Keffy stories, so please pass them along too!

*Please remember that fanfiction is created out of the goodness of authors hearts, we don't get paid to write, we do it for pleasure. One chapter can take hours of a person's time. Writing a review takes just a few minutes.

1 comment:

  1. "I now have a very lovely assistant who is willing to read and review Effily/Keffy stories, so please pass them along too!"

    I have just seen this and I'm going to wave my hello! Lol.... looking forward to being part of this site :-)

    Tash x
