Thursday 16 September 2010

Sock Catalog Extraordinaire more formally known as Heather Hogan

Most people know Heather Hogan as the woman who writes the amazing Skins recaps on AfterEllen, but did you know she has also written a Naomily fanfiction?!

'Love on a Train' is still in the making and has already been quite popular with Naomily fans. It is a beautifully written story that snapshots life after series 4 beginning with Naomi and Emily's final months at university. Whilst appearing on the surface to be a piece of wonderful fluff, this story delves deeper into the relationship between many people's favourite couple giving us an insight into what got them from series 4 to the point where this story begins.

Without giving anything away, if you love Naomily flangst, you're going to be reading this until there's nothing left (like I did *sits tapping on the desk refreshing the page until giving up the hope of more being posted tonight*). Even if you have something else you should be doing.

After discovering this wonderful contribution to the Skins fanfiction world I asked Heather Hogan a few questions about life as a writer and what brought her to the point of swapping fact (well recaps of fiction) for fiction.

How and when did you get started as a writer?

When I was a kid I used to write all the time. Really important stuff, too. Like my favorite thing to make was sock catalogs. I would spend an afternoon drawing a hundred pairs of socks in all kind of patterns and colors, and then the whole next week I would write descriptions for them: "These pink and green and neon blue plaid socks are sure to keep your feet warm and stylish on those cold winter nights! Only fifty dollars a pair!" Then I'd staple all the pages together and give the catalogs to my family. I've always had a lot in common with Dobby the House Elf.

In my grown-up life I loved to write too. (This is where I start getting a little more like Hermione Granger.) At university, I took as many writing intensive classes as I could, and my favorite days were the ones where we got our papers back from the professors. I loved the scrutiny. I just really wanted people to share their opinions and feelings about my writing.

And then I started writing for lesbian internet, where the opinions and feelings flow like water in the Nile.

How long have you been writing for After Ellen?

I've been working for AfterEllen for about three years. I totally lucked into my job there. Sarah Warn* -- the founder and former editor-in-chief -- plucked me out of the comments, and then she and Trish Bendix and Karman Kregloe and Malinda Lo kept letting me write more and more and more until I could really make a career out of it. I keep thinking they're going to realize I'm just an accountant who makes sock catalogs with crayons in my spare time, but so far I've still got them fooled. (Mwahaha!)

What are your favourite types of article/blog to write for AE?

Even though it takes a hundred gazillion years, I really love writing recaps. The Skins ones are my favorite because I love that show (in general) and Naomi and Emily (specifically) more than I could ever adequately express. I seriously don't have the words to say how special I think Naomily are. But it's fun trying to find the words. I almost think that's all those recaps are: Me just typing and typing and typing about my love and hoping something resonates.

Also, I love writing about things that sort of go against the attitude you might normally see in other lesbian and gay media. I like to bring my own (sometimes delusional) optimism to bear on stuff. This sounds silly, I know, but all I really want in the whole world is to write something that someone might hold dear. Something that might mean something to someone. Those are my favorite things to write. The things that make people go, "Huh. My heart feels a little warmer now I've read that."

Your Skins recaps are a piece of comic genius, how long does it take you to complete one episode's recap?

Thank you. That's very sweet. I don't know exactly how long it takes to write them. I lose track of time in my feverish love-haze. Days, though. Lots of days.

What made you branch out into fiction (more specifically Naomily fanfiction)? And have you written much fiction before?

I really only started writing Love on a Train for Rin (of Rophy)'s birthday. The story had been in my head for a while and I know this sounds like the most arrogant thing in the world, but I feel like I really know Naomi and Emily, and I felt like their characters were speaking to me, like they had more story to tell. I would just be riding my mountain bike and hear all this dialogue in my head, and I was like, "OK, guys! Fine! I'll write down your story!" Rin and Sophy convinced me to post it on a public forum because she thought other fans might like it too. A lot of people acted shocked that I was a "professional writer" writing fanfiction, and I just kept saying the truest thing I always say: "I'm only a fan! Just like you! I just get paid a little to feel my feelings out loud is all!"

Fiction is infinitely harder to write than nonfiction. It takes a certain amount of nakedness and rubbing your soul against the page to get it right. You have to be super vulnerable if you want it to be authentic. I think fiction writers are some of the bravest people in the world. Way, way, way more courageous than me.

What are you looking forward to the most; Skins series 5 or Skins US?

Oh, that's tricky! Can I be totally honest here? I would trade all of Skins series 5 and US Skins (and all other Skins FOREVER) for one more series with gen two. There's so much story left to tell. SO much story. That? Would make me SUPER excited. But if I have to chose between the other two, I'd have to say US Skins. Because Bryan Elsley is on my Top Ten Trustworthy Storytellers list. I wish all Skins fans had a chance to sit down and speak to him. He's the kindest, warmest, humblest guy. And he cares so much about his characters and his fans. So yeah, US Skins. (Even though seeing the stars and stripes over the Skins logo almost makes me ill.)

Thanks to Heather Hogan for taking the time to answer my questions, if you have a spare half hour (though you might want to clear a couple of them ;-) ) I suggest making a start on 'Love on a Train', it's worth every second, even the ones you should be doing something else.

*If you want to know more about Sarah Warn and why she set up AfterEllen, check out this video.

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